Structured Cabling Systems

Structured Cabling Systems(SCS)

Strictly following the ISO/IEC 11801 standard guidelines and what we’ve learned from experience, we deliver universal and flexible systems suitable for a variety of customers – from the small office to large production plants.

  1. Design

  2. Our designs are aimed to fulfill customers needs while strictly obeying the standards.
    We deliver more by precision and proficiency, using only products and systems by the leading manufacturers and with the highest quality available.

  3. Implementation

  4. Our certified and much experienced installation team is able to fulfill every project no matter how sophisticated it may be.

  5. Certification
  6. Investment protection – all our cabling installations are tested with a specialized certification tester providing 100% standards compliance and assurance that the system can and will do what it is designed to do.
    We also offer testing and certification of existing cabling systems. Testing and certification is conducted using a specialized certification tester – WireXpert 4500, allowing testing and certification of cabling systems complying to all current standards – Class D, E, EA, F and FA (Cat. 5 to Cat. 7).
    Full technical specification of the testing equipment (WireXpert 4500) may be found here

  7. Upgrade and Support
  8. Every system develops over time. Structured data cabling also needs support, expansion and upgrade. We have a very professional team of experts in the field.

  9. Team
  10. Our designers, engineers and install team have more than 15 years of professional experience in the field of structured data cabling systems. All of them are certified by the leading manufacturers of components and solutions for cabling – R&M, TE, Panduit, Telegärtner and more.